Declaration of Election
Date :
07 /
01 /
Author :
WIA Returning Officer - John Marshall
Clause 14 of the Constitution of the WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA (WIA) specifies the way in which Directors of the WIA are to be elected to that position.
Three (3) directors will retire at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting which will be held in May 2024, namely Lee Moyle VK3GK, Steven Green VK2TSG and Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY. Each retiring director was eligible for re-nomination.
A call for nominations for the position of Directors of the WIA was made in the WIA National News Broadcast and in Amateur Radio Magazine in accordance with the Election Regulations.
I advise that I have received Three (3) valid nominations from WIA members for the position as director of the WIA by the advertised closing date for nominations, as follows:-
Steven Green VK2TSG
Lee Moyle VK3GK
Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY
As advised in the Call for Nominations there will be three (3) vacancies at the conclusion of the AGM to be held in May 2024 and therefore no election will be necessary.
I therefore formally declare these Three (3) nominees as having been elected to the position of Director of the Wireless Institute of Australia.
These Directors elect will take up their role at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting in May 2024. They will remain in that role for a period of two (2) years.
The existing four (4) continuing Directors are:-
Scott Williams VK3KJ
Peter Schrader VK4EA
Peter Clee VK8ZZ
Giles Kirby VK5GK
These continuing four (4) directors will retire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting in 2025.
I, John Marshall, the duly appointed returning Officer of the Wireless Institute of Australia confirm that these results are valid and in accordance with the Constitution of the Wireless Institute of Australia and the Election Regulations.
The Constitution and Election Regulations of the WIA provide that it is mandatory for the announcement of the incoming directors be made at the Annual General Meeting. However, is has been the norm to announce the results prior to the AGM once they have been finalised by the Returning Officer.
I wish the incoming directors well in there forthcoming 2-year term.
John Marshall, WIA Returning Officer
Page Last Updated: Sunday, 07 Jan 2024 at 09:10 hours by Peter Clee
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