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2024 News Releases




ACMA, VK9/VK0 Callsigns and Class Licence Callsign Documents

Date : 01 / 06 / 2024
Author : Scott Williams - VK3KJ

With the recent introduction of Class Licensing, following is the current situation with the WIA's position on the use of VK9 & VK0 prefixes and Callsign Documentation.

The WIA's position is that we are seeking to have the regulator, ACMA, restore the original call area designations.

For that to happen would take an update to the Class Licence to correct this.

Discussions to achieve this so far have proved very positive and we are hopeful that a resolution and restoration of the status quo prior to the class licence can be achieved in the near future.

We will update the members when a conclusion on
these discussions is reached with ACMA.

In the meantime, Lord Howe Island operators
will need to either use the VK2/ prefix or take out a VK2 callsign.
Likewise, any planned operations from Heard and Macquarie Islands will, for now, use the VK9/
prefix (should any DX-pedition venture there).
(Unless the operators hold grandfathered existing VK9 or VK0 callsigns)

We are also aware of concerns from international DXpedition teams seeking VK9 callsigns to come and activate Australian territories. We are intending to discuss this further with ACMA to see if the previous status quo can also be restored
whereby they can apply for a VK9/ VK0 callsign on a temporary 12 month basis - along
similar lines to special event callsigns.

In the meantime, they will need to identify as VK9/[your homecall] until we can convince the regulator that they should restore the status quo for these arrangements as well.

Finally, the WIA has also raised the concerns about suitable identification documents being provided to radio amateurs that confirm their rights to use the class licence and their qualification and associated callsigns. We have some way to go with our ACMA discussions on these points and will continue to work on these in the coming meetings with the ACMA.

The WIA continues to enjoy a strong productive relationship with the ACMA and we hope to progress these matters for a positive resolution.

Scott Williams, VK3KJ.
WIA President

Page Last Updated: Saturday, 01 Jun 2024 at 09:47 hours by Lee Moyle


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