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2007 News Releases




Visit "The Dish" WIA AGM weekend 4th-6th May 2007

Date : 07 / 03 / 2007
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

The Parkes Radio Telescope or "The Dish" as it has become well known by a movie of the same name, is owned and operated by the CSIRO. It is an active scientific research instrument performing daily radio measurements and related studies. As a working research instrument, the Telescope is closed to the public, visitors can visit the Radio Telescope site however are restricted to walking around the grounds surrounding the dish and viewing a documentary video at the visitors center . By special arrangement with CSIRO management, the WIA is pleased to announce that it has been granted a series of detailed "technical" tours inside the Telescope facility for WIA members. These tours will be conducted on the Sunday of the AGM weekend and members will be able to see first hand the inside workings of the Radio Telescope and ask technical questions of the site engineers.

Make no mistake, for most members, this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to step inside and see the workings of one of the worlds most active and powerful Radio Telescopes.

To be part of this exciting upcoming AGM weekend, taking place on the 4th to the 6th of May, please complete the Registration Form


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