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2007 News Releases



Scout youth members converge on the Newcastle Foreshore.

28/ 09/ 2007   More than 2500 Scout youth members converged on the Newcastle Foreshore on the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of September, to celebrate 100 years of Scouting.
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New US 500 KHz Licence Issued

25/ 09/ 2007   Richard Dillman from the Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS) reports a new US class 1A common carrier Morse code coast station has been licensed by the FCC!
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Icom Gives D-Star Repeater to the WIA

19/ 09/ 2007   Icom (Australia) Pty Ltd has given to the WIA a D-Star repeater to be located at Olinda in the Dandenong ranges, to serve the greater Melbourne area.
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NTAC Changes Amateur Band Plans For Digital Technologies

19/ 09/ 2007   The WIA’s National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) has been asked to consider how best to accommodate narrow band digital technologies
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Future directions of the WIA grant scheme

17/ 09/ 2007   Future directions of the WIA grant scheme –WIA Board requests member comment on what best to do…
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WIA Board appoints Ray Crawford VK4HDX as VK4 QSL Manager

12/ 09/ 2007   The WIA Board has approved the appointment of Ray Crawford VK4HDX as VK4 QSL Bureau manager.
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WIA Board Accepts Recommendations For 2007 WIA Grants

08/ 09/ 2007   The WIA Board has accepted all recommendations from the 2007 grants committee for the award of grants to a number of Clubs.
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NATO releases major report on effects of BPL.

04/ 09/ 2007   NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has issued a report of the expected effects that widespread BPL application would have on the HF spectrum.
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BPL Interference - Not a dead parrot yet.

03/ 09/ 2007   Radio amateurs may have the impression that, because there haven't been too many BPL news items lately, that the threat of BPL interference in Australia is receding.
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Dates Set For Spring VHF-UHF Field Day 2007.

01/ 09/ 2007   The Spring VHF-UHF Field Day for 2007 will be held over the weekend of November 17 and 18.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)