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2007 News Releases




WIA Board reviews WIA Examination Service

Date : 15 / 03 / 2007
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The WIA Board at its meeting over the weekend of 10 and 11 March 2007 undertook a detailed review of the WIA Examination Service.

It was considered that the WIA Nominated Assessors and Assessors were working well, and that many clubs were providing valuable training for candidates for amateur examinations, though some clubs did not have the resource to do this.

The Board reviewed a detailed strategy plan submitted by the WIA's RTO, Fred Swainston VK3DAC.

The Board has approved the introduction of WIA Learning Facilitators. WIA Learning Facilitators will replace the Invigilators, currently nominated by the clubs. Under the previous approach to conducting amateur examinations the Invigilators actually conducted the examination, and the papers were returned to Melbourne for marking. Today, with the accredited and WIA registered Assessors, the previous Invigilators have in many cases become WIA Assessors, or now assist the Assessors conducting assessments.

Every Invigilator registered by the WIA since June last year has been advised that the WIA was going to introduce this change, and that the WIA would write to them and invite them to qualify as WIA Learning Facilitators.

It is intended to continue the identification of the primary examination/training contact at each club as the Group Leader, though the Group Leader will need to be qualified as a WIA Learning Facilitator.

The Board has also agreed to the qualification of trainers as WIA Trainers. Clubs will not be compelled to use WIA Trainers but the WIA hopes that the qualification will become recognised and supported.

Further information on how to apply for qualification as a WIA Learning Facilitator including what will be required will be announced shortly.

"The purpose of these changes is to further enhance what has been one of the most successful initiatives of the WIA to take advantage of the new ACMA amateur exam structure, particularly the new entry level licence and to attract new amateurs." said WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI.


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