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2007 News Releases




WIA Board meets in Melbourne

Date : 15 / 03 / 2007
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The WIA Board met over the weekend of 10 and 11 March 2007 at the WIA premises in Caulfield, Victoria.

The WIA Directors, together with Secretary Ken Fuller VK4KF, new Treasurer Jim Baxter VK3KE and Assistant Treasurer Bruce Bathols VK3UV worked from 9.30 on Saturday morning until 4.30 on Sunday afternoon addressing a very big and important agenda.

Among many other matters the Board reviewed the preparation for the ITU�s World Radiocommunications Conference to be held in November this year in Geneva for four weeks, with a number of items directly or indirectly affecting the amateur service, including a telephone briefing by Keith Malcolm VK1ZKM. The Board reconfirmed its earlier decision to nominate Keith as a delegate on the Australian delegation for the amateur service.

A very important decision was to allocate a further $5,000 to the Club Grant Scheme for 2007. The Board believed that the scheme, last year it�s first year, had been successful and that this year the scheme should operate on the same rules as last year. Advertisements calling for submissions will be published soon.

The Board reviewed in detail the commercial arrangements in respect of the magazine Amateur Radio, and made changes to the administrative structure that should increase efficiencies.

The Board also reviewed the WIA Examination Service, and has appointed a Committee to oversee this important activity. The Examination Service Committee will comprise Owen Holmwood VK2AEJ (coordinator), Fred Swainston VK3DAC, Ron Bertrand VK2DQ, Robert Broomhead VK3KRB (systems) and the WIA President for the time being.

The Board reviewed the position in respect of the ACMA outsourcing, in particular the importance of the WIA retaining the examination management function.

Advisory Committees, BPL, emergency communications, the QSL service and improving the WIA website were also considered, and a budget for the 2007 financial year was also fixed.

Separate announcements will be made on a number of matters.


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