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2008 News Releases




Earthquake Disaster

Date : 14 / 05 / 2008
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

Following the magnitude 7.8 on the Ritcher scale earthquake that hit Sichuan, China, radio amateurs swung into action providing emergency communications.

The Chinese Radio Sports Association advises that the frequencies of 14.270, 7.050 and 7.060 MHz are reserved for emergency communications and rescue

The CRSA has called on its members to ensure their amateur radio stations are on working on standby to receive radio messages from the disaster area
and report them to the authorities.

The CRSA in the absence of normal telephone service is also encouraging its members to help by handling third party traffic of a health and welfare nature.

Liu Hu, BG8AAS, of Chengdu, a town in the province of Sichuan, reports that a local UHF repeater survived the disaster, providing communications for 200 local radio hams.

A group of hams from Chengdu is headed for Wenchuan, the epicentre of the quake to try to set up emergency communication services. Yue Shu, BA8AB, also from Chengdu, was also reported to be active on the 40 meter emergency. Again the local UHF repeater in Chengdu is busy with traffic.

The above information has been provided by Michael Ye, BD4AAQ and Michael Chen, BD5RV/4.

Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, Emergency Communications Committee, IARU Region


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