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2008 News Releases




Howard Booth VK2AMD - Silent Key

Date : 27 / 05 / 2008
Author : Graham Kemp - VK4BB

Howard Booth VK2AMD has passed away in Wollongong hospital, VK2, after a fall which broke his hip about a week ago.

Howard celebrated his 100th birthday 6th March 2008, and we brought you much of Howard's story then, oh and he had been licensed since the early 1920's.

VK6ALU writing to celebrate Howard's 90th birthday, wrote how VK2AMD was brought up in the city of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, where he and his family lived up until the time that he, his wife and two sons emigrated to Australia, arriving in Wollongong in May 1948.

Howard had been interested in radio as a hobby since his tender years. He sat for and passed an examination in Morse Code at 20 WPM, (which was required before he could qualify for an Amateur Licence at that time) on 26th January 1923 - ie at the age of 14 years!

His call? G2AS

Until a couple of years ago, Howard could regularly be heard on 20m SSB, long and short path, working UK stations. For many years he kept twice daily skeds with G4XVU and the late G3EQF of Mansfield, Notts. Many Sheffield and South Yorkshire operators would join in. Howard has a "soft spot" for his native Sheffield and is always pleased if Sheffield and other UK amateurs call in to see him while they are on holiday in Australia.

For many years Howard used a 700 foot long rhombic antenna which extended over the sand dunes and onto the beach behind his house.

Sheffield Amateur Radio Club recently sent him a specially framed group photograph of club members, along with a birthday card signed by the same members.


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