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2008 News Releases




The 2009 Callbook Editor Is Calling !!

Date : 23 / 06 / 2008
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

Brenda Edmonds VK3KT WIA callbook editor is currently on the lookout for a suitable photograph for the 2009 callbook cover. Perhaps you have a high quality image which you would like to offer, then Brenda would be very pleased to hear from you. You can contact Brenda by email at

The image will be reproduced full size for the callbooks A4 cover, so an ideal image would be of high quality such as one that has been taken on a 6 megapixel or better digital camera with the camera set for maximum resolution.

Brenda would also like to remind everyone that the callsign listings as they appear in the callbook are taken from callsign data provided by the ACMA. So if your details are currently not 100% correct on the ACMA website then now would be a great time to make contact with the ACMA and have your details updated.

And a reminder for clubs that all club contact details which will appear in the 2009 callbook will be taken from your clubs information page on the WIA Website. All clubs are able to update their details on line on the WIA website,however we are aware that some clubs are still yet to get around to updating their details and other clubs who have chosen not to provide their club contact and address details. If your clubs details are not currently on the WIA website then we will not be able to include them in the 2009 callbook.

Cutoff date for the 2009 callbook data is the 30th June.


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