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2008 News Releases




Gold Coast Dstar Launch

Date : 24 / 06 / 2008
Author : Ewan McLeod - VK4ERM

Last Saturday, the 14th of June, marked the launch of the first D-STAR repeater system in VK4. To celebrate the achievement of the Mt Springbrook installation the host club, the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Club, opened their clubrooms for a presentation on the history of D-STAR, the technology and an on-air demonstration of D-STAR communications within VK and also the USA.

The Club President, Paul Benner VK4GQ, welcomed everyone present to the special day and acknowledged the role played by Icom Australia, represented in particular by the presence of Aoki VK3NON, in donating equipment and resources, and the WIA and club members in bringing the D-STAR system into operation. Paul then handed over to Peter Willmont VK3TQ for his presentation followed by Richard Hoskin VK3JFK. Paul and Peter encouraged those present to support the WIA in the furtherance of Amateur Radio for all Australian Radio Amateurs and in the international arena.

The clubrooms were filled to overflowing, beyond standing room, such was the interest and attention given to the speakers. Mark Kyle VK4KZK was present to demonstrate a variety of D-STAR radios and explain their capabilities. It was the pleasure of Peter VK3TQ to present a gift to Andrew Chapman VK4OX in acknowledgement and appreciation of the effort and professionalism Andrew gave in installing the D-STAR repeater to the highest commercial standards.

Presentations and questions over, everyone was invited to participate in a well organized BBQ in the club grounds and enjoy the mild sunny weather. However, the clubroom was slow to empty as Peter, Richard and Mark were further subjected to questions by attentive groups. Animated discussions continued outside on all subjects amateur radio and more.

Thanks to the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Club committee and members for making the launch of D-STAR in VK4 such an enjoyable and memorable event.

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