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2008 News Releases




World ARDF Championships in Korea

Date : 11 / 09 / 2008
Author : Geoff Atkinson - VK3AFA

The 14th World ARDF championships were held from the 2-7 September in Gyeonggi Province in Korea under the auspices of Korean Amateur Radio League.

WIA members Bryan Ackerly VK3YNG and Bruce Paterson VK3TJN were amongst 320 representatives from 31 countries competing in the program.

In the 80 metre competition in the M40 section, Bryan was placed sixth out of a field of 46 and Bruce was placed 23rd. As a team, they were 6th in their category.

In the 2 metre competition in the M40 section, Bruce was 15th and Bryan was 26th. As a team they were 8th in the category.

All results, and photos of many of the participants can be accessed at the excellent KARL website via the following Link.


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