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2008 News Releases




ACMA Acts Against Amateurs Operating Improperly

Date : 17 / 09 / 2008
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Following a number of representations by the WIA to ACMA and a face to face meeting between the WIA and ACMA officers on 28th June 2008, (view the release by clicking the following Link), ACMA has now advised the WIA that it has taken a number of regulatory actions against amateur licensees operating in breach of the amateur licensing conditions.

ACMA received information from a number of sources about the activities of a small number of amateur operators. Investigations were conducted and ACMA took compliance enforcement action against one amateur licensee for operating his station contrary to the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination No. 1 of 1997, the Amateur LCD. Two other operators were cautioned in regard to their operating activities.

Gary Ryan, Acting Manager, Interference Management Section, ACMA said that during discussions with the operators it became apparent that they lacked understanding of the possible consequences of their actions. “Generally, they did not appreciate that breaches of compliance with licence conditions and other legislative provisions may result with intervention by the ACMA in the form of warnings, fines, prosecution or administrative action such as suspension or cancellation of licences” said Mr Ryan.

WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI said that the WIA Board was very aware that many amateurs were concerned about the on-air behaviour of a small number of amateurs, and were pleased that ACMA had responded to these concerns. The WIA hoped that the action taken by ACMA would be seen by all amateurs as a reminder of the importance of being aware of and complying with the Amateur LCD.

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