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2008 News Releases




The WIA to move Office

Date : 09 / 10 / 2008
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The WIA Board has announced that it has leased new premises to replace its present premises in Balaclava Road, Caulfield North.

The President’s Comment in the October issue of the WIA magazine, "Amateur Radio", is devoted to describing why the present premises no longer meet the WIA’s requirements.

It is too small, it does not have the ordinary facilities one would expect, there is no storage space and at present the WIA is renting additional premises in Williamstown and East Burwood to store records, and books such as the Foundation Manual.

After an exhaustive search, the WIA has now leased premises in Bayswater, in an industrial estate.

These premises will provide more than adequate storage space, as well as adequate office and meeting area.

While the bookshop will continue to offer its on-line service, we hope that we will have books that can be purchased by members who visit the office.

As was anticipated in the Comment, it does involve a degree of compromise, both as to public transport, location and quality.

Some painting and cabling, and other work is required before the office is actually moved, but it is hoped that the new premises will be fully occupied during the second half of November.

"We hope that the lease of these premises will give us urgently needed breathing space to plan a longer term solution to our requirements" said WIA President, Michael Owen VK3KI.

The WIA will be making further announcements over the coming weeks.


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