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2008 News Releases




Future Management of Amateur Call Signs

Date : 21 / 10 / 2008
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

On 8 February 2008, ACMA announced that it would implement contractual arrangements with the WIA for the ongoing management of amateur examinations, the issue of certificates of proficiency and certain administrative functions associated with amateur call signs.

As part of these arrangements, on 5 September 2008 the WIA conducted a ballot for two letter call signs. All amateurs who participated in the Ballot were offered a two letter callsign. The ballot arrangements, including the WIA recommendations for specific two letter call signs to ACMA, will be concluded on 24 October 2008.

The WIA and ACMA are currently finalising the ongoing contractual arrangements. This process includes suitable cost recovery arrangements for amateur examinations, certificate issue and call sign administration. Once these arrangements have been finalised, the WIA will be responsible for providing recommendations to ACMA on the allocation of all amateur service call signs.

At this stage, it is expected that the ongoing contractual arrangements will be in place by the end of 2008. Until a commencement date for the new arrangements can be announced, however, neither ACMA nor the WIA will accept any applications for two letter callsigns in any states or territory. The issue of amateur licences with three and four letter call signs will not be affected.

Further announcements on the new arrangements, including information on the commencement date and the applicable charges for examinations, certificate issue and callsign administration, will be made before the end of 2008. These announcements will be made in WIA broadcasts and on the WIA and ACMA websites, and in the next “Amateur Radio” magazine.


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