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2014 News Releases




The image of Amateur Radio

Date : 20 / 02 / 2014
Author : PR4AmateurRadio

The trend in our everyday lives seems to be casual, dressing down with denim, short tops, and sloppy footwear. But the old adage of 'the first impression counts', does determine how some people assess the person and what they have to say - so why should Amateur Radio be any different? A salesperson dresses neatly because they want to create an image that greatly helps them sell you a service or product.

This is something to be thought about by those directly involved in April's WIA Expo, held through clubs and organisations to showcase the best of modern Amateur Radio. There's nothing wrong in greeting the audience smartly dressed, consider wearing the suggested t-shirt to be part of the team and create a very good overall image.

It all fits in with promoting Amateur Radio, overcoming the general community's lack of awareness about us, or even to re-activate a former radio amateur. It needs the right people, and the right messages.

With six weeks to the PR4AmateurRadio Expo, held during the period of April the 11th and 13th, check out the What's On section of the WIA website for details and on-line registration.



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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)