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2014 News Releases



Flooding hits the Balkans

27/ 05/ 2014   The worst flooding in 120 years saw the Balkans receive three months of rainfall in three days in May, killing dozens of people in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
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Presentation of the 2014 Chris Jones Award

18/ 05/ 2014   On Saturday the 17th of May at the 2014 WIA Open Forum held at Aussie World on the Sunshine Coast, WIA President Phil Wait announced the Boards decision to present the Chris Jones Award to Marc Hillman VK3OHM.
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Graham Kemp VK4BB Gets Life

17/ 05/ 2014   On Saturday the 17th of May, at the WIA 2014 AGM meeting held at Aussie World on the Sunshine Coast, WIA broadcast news anchor and broadcast manager Graham Kemp VK4BB received life.
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WIA Office Closed

14/ 05/ 2014   The WIA office will be closed from 4:00pm Wednesday, 14th May to 10:00am, Tuesday 20th May, 2014.
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WIA Financial Report For Year Ending Dec 2013 Now Online

12/ 05/ 2014   The WIA Financial Report For Year Ending Dec 2013 is now online and available for financial members to download.
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2014 WIA Open Forum Reports

05/ 05/ 2014   This year we have decided to publish the 2013-2014 WIA Open Forum Reports prior to the upcoming AGM and Conference weekend on the Sunshine Coast.
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An early snapshot of the 2014 WIA Membership Survey

05/ 05/ 2014   The members response to the Survey was most heartening, with a total of 834 completing it by the closing date – some 18.4% of the membership, a significant sample.
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Tornados rip apart some southern US states

01/ 05/ 2014   More than a dozen twisters accompanied by violent storms have left a trail of death and destruction. At least 30 deaths occurred in Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)