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2014 News Releases




Presentation of the 2014 Chris Jones Award

Date : 18 / 05 / 2014
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3DN

On Saturday the 17th of May at the 2014 WIA Open Forum held at Aussie World on the Sunshine Coast, WIA President Phil Wait announced the Boards decision to present the Chris Jones Award to Marc Hillman VK3OHM. The Chris Jones Award is inscribed "The Chris Jones Award honours the memory of a man who was dedicated to the advancement of amateur radio and whose unfailing commitment and vision led to a new Wireless Institute of Australia ... It is awarded to radio amateurs who have made an exceptional contribution to amateur radio and the Wireless Institute of Australia."

Marc VK3OHM has designed and built the new WIA online award system. The Chris Jones award was made in recognition of the significant amount of time and effort that Marc had invested in the development and coding of this unique and powerful online system. The announcement was greeted with an enthusiastic applause from the members at the meeting.

A number of other very important award presentations were also made,

The Higginbotham Award – was presented to Don Jackson VK3DBB for many years of service on Publications Committee and in particular his work in compiling the Annual Index and his work on collating a Cumulative Index of all issues of Amateur Radio magazine.

The Ron Wilkinson Achievement Award – was presented to Alan Devlin VK3XPD for achieving multiple microwave distance records, for sharing knowledge, teaching at both clubs and GippsTech, for his contributions to WIA publications, and for nurturing amateur technical development.

The "Amateur Radio" Technical Award for the best technical article published in Amateur Radio in 2013 year was presented to Graham Byrnes VK3XDK for his article titled ‘Transverter Systems’, published in the December, 2013 edition of Amateur Radio magazine.

The Al Shawsmith Award for the best non-technical article published in Amateur Radio in 2013 was awarded to Stephen Warrillow VK3SN
for his article titled ‘The Overland Track – HF QRP in the VK7 World Heritage Wilderness’,

President’s Commendations – Went to Richard Cerveny VK2AAH for Services to Amateur Radio: Beacon and Repeater Coordination, Jason Daniels VK2LAW as a WIA National news reader over many years and for his work with WIA Affiliated club MNCARG, Mal Alexander VK2YVA for Services to Amateur Radio: Leadership in Amateur Radio at a club level, Felix Scerri VK4FUQ for Services to Amateur Radio: WIA National News Announcer over may years, Rick Rogers VK4HF for Services to Amateur Radio: Restoration of Armadale and District AR Club. Geoff Emery VK4ZPP for Services to Amateur Radio: WIA VK4 News reader over many years, Joseph Gelston VK7JG for Services to Amateur Radio: Construction and maintenance of Tasmanian remote area Repeaters and beacons and the VK9NA Group for the VK9 Dxpeditions in 2010 and 2011.


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A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)