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2014 News Releases




UK amateurs to lose parts of two microwave bands

Date : 10 / 04 / 2014
Author : Roger Harrison - VK2ZRH

Sections of the 13cm and 9cm amateur microwave bands are to be allocated to "new civil uses" across Britain, the spectrum regulator, Ofcom, announced on 7 April 2014.

The current UK 13cm band of 2310-2450 MHz will have 2350 to 2390 MHz carved out for new primary users, while the 9cm band of 3400-3475 MHz will be reduced to 3400-3410 MHz.

The new uses for the spectrum blocks are slated to provide digital mobile access for portable consumer devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

Ofcom said UK amateurs will retain access to the adjacent bands but has implemented procedures to remove even those frequencies from Amateur Radio access, if necessary in the future.

However, Ofcom did say that 2300-2302 MHz will be made available for amateur use through a “Notice of Variation” to licences.

The RSGB reported the announcement on its website, which can be viewed at this Link

The ARRL also posted a news item on the announcement, which can be viewed at this Link

In Australia, the 2300-2302 MHz band is currently under threat from a spectrum licence allocation proposed by the ACMA. The WIA advocates retention of a 150 kHz segment, from 2300-2300.15 MHz. Read about it at this Link>


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