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2016 News Releases




IARU Region 3 Newsletter issued

Date : 09 / 01 / 2016
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

A tribute to retired International Amateur Radio Region 3 Director Peter Lake ZL2AZ who has served since 2005 and held other positions earlier has been paid by its Chairman, Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN. Writing in the IARU Region 3 Newsletter, he said, "Thank you Peter for all your work over the years as a Director and your efforts at APG (for the Asia Pacific Telecommunity) and the ITU preparatory meetings."

Peter decided to retire and not offer himself for election, with Don Wallace ZL2TLL the IARU Liaison for NZART standing and being elected, along with another new Director, Peter Young VK3MV. The remaining Directors re-elected were Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN, Shizuo Endo JE1MUI, Wisnu Widjaja YB0AZ, and Professor Joong-Geun RHEE, HL1AQQ. Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP continues as Secretary. Gopal VU2GMN also commented on the ITU World Radiocommunications Conference in November, at which a new allocation was achieved in the 5 MHz band, albeit with restrictions on power and bandwidth. "The new allocation in the 5 MHz band gives a slot between the existing 3.6 and 7 MHz bands. Hopefully administrations in the region will follow through and allow access to this band, which has been available to some countries already," he said.

The Newsletter also reports on the Triennial Conference of IARU Region 3 Conference held in Bali, Indonesia, at which 37 papers were considered and recommendations made by two main working groups:

  WG1- Policy matters that included education, training, development of Amateur Radio and international and regional conferences involving radio administrations with special concentration on Youth.

  WG2- Operational and Technical Matters, including emergency communications, digital modes, APRS common frequency and band plans.

In addition, a separate Finance committee was formed where all delegates were invited to participate. The KARL will host the 17th Conference of the IARU Region 3 at Seoul in Korea.

The newsletter also has reports on the Chennai Floods in South India during early December, the GlobalSET 2015 outcome, and coverage of the major agenda items that faced a busy IARU team at WRC-15 in Geneva, Switzerland.

A full copy of the IARU Region 3 Newsletter Issue 37 is at: Link


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