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2011 News Releases




Cyclone Yasi

Date : 02 / 02 / 2011
Author : Graham Kemp - VK4BB

VK amateurs are reminded to keep in touch with listening watch on WICEN 7075kHz

North Queensland nets:-
  6am Gnarly Net 3600kHz
  4pm Friendly Net 7115kHz

Townsville hams are monitoring the local repeaters
  146.7MHz and 438.225MHz and will revert to
  146.5MHz and 439.000MHz should those repeaters fail.

Atherton Tablelands hams are monitoring the local repeaters
  146.075MHz and 439.9MHz along with 146.5MHz and 7075kHz.

Rockhampton hams are monitoring the local repeaters
  146.7MHz and 438.225MHz along with 7075kHz and 3600kHz.

Cairns hams are monitoring the local VHF repeater
  146.950MHz along with the Atherton Tableland repeaters, 146.5MHz and 7075kHz

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 01:21 hours by Webmaster


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